Description of ongoing and completed projects
The National Programme “Children of Ukraine”, 2003-2006
The technologies for the production of balanced foods and prophylactic treatment for infants as well as special mixtures with desired properties for the children’s health food were developed .
Experimental batches of products were obtained. Extensive clinical tests of hypoallergenic baby food were made and showed an easy adaptation of children to the product, a significant therapeutic effect on children with obvious clinical signs of atopic dermatitis. The work was conducted in conjunction with the specialists of the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
“The use of the effect of discrete – pulsed energy input in the development and implementation of energy saving technology production of dry multicomponent mixtures”, 1997
We were the first in Ukraine to propose industrial methods, equipment and designed regulatory documentation for the production of hypoallergenic baby food on the basis of the results of complex thermal and biochemical research.
Energy-saving technology of dry multi-component mixtures for children’s nutritional care is implemented at JSC “Khorol milk-canning combine of children’s products”.
A scientific project “Research and Development functional product of onkoprotektive action” as a part of the target complex NAS program “The latest medical and biological problems and human environment’, 2007 – 2009
Rational technological processes of extraction of isoflavones from soy isolate and termocalcium coagulation of proteins were establshed on the basis of comprehensive researches of heat and mass transfer process while obtaining a new protein onkoprotektive product.
Technology of the new soy protein onkoprotektive product and the standard technical documentation for its production were developed. Onkoprotektive action of the product was found in the result of experimental studies of the protein product developed in the Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology named after Kavetsky R.S. The action includes the ability to inhibit the growth of tumors of the breast of experimental animals.
“Investigation of the influence of the method of discrete-pulse energy input in heterogeneous systems on the intensification of heat and mass transfer in industrial technologies”, 2009-2011
Combining biotechnological techniques and discrete-pulse energy input treatment of secondary bone collagen raw material allowed to increase the surface of mass transfer, extract up to 100% of calcium andcollagen from bones.
The industrial technology of the food-protein-mineral concentrate, which contains 85 % of protein , 10 % of minerals , 60 % of which consist of calcium in easily digestible form is developed. The standard technical documentation for its production were developed. Clinical testing was conducted.
“Investigation of heat and mass transfer in discrete-pulse energy input in heterogeneous systems in order to develope nanotechnologies”, 2007 – 2011
The investigations of the hydrodynamic and heat and mass transfer processes in discrete-pulse energy input into heterogeneous systems showed that it is possible to control the mechanism of self-organization of lipid nanostructures in a dissipative state of heterogeneous systems. Industrial technologes and equipment for productio of vesicular nanostructures. Were developed.
The efficiencient action of the vesicular forms of cytostatics and iron oxide nanopowders obtained by discrete-pulse energy input on the culture of cancer cells was tested at the Institute of Experimental Pathology , Oncology and Radiobiology named after Kavetsky R.S. The results showed an increase in cytotoxic activity of prototypes in vesicular form.
The state target scientific and technical program
“Nanotechnology and nanomaterials for 2010-2014”:
“Investigations of heat and mass transfer processes in the creation of vesicular phospholipid nanostructures using the effect of discrete pulse of energy input of the meat and their implementation in the nanotechnology industry“
Investigation of the influence of het mass transfer parameters of complex heterogeneous systems using effect of discrete pulse of energy input on the mechanism of formation of vesicular phospholipid nanostructures and determination of their physico- chemical properties was held.
The use of discrete pulse of energy input in developing energy- saving technologies in industrial production of lipid nanostructures and functional materials was proposed and implemented on the basis of the analytical and experimental results of research
The main regularities of the process of formation of vesicular nanostructures under the action of discrete pulse of energy input mechanisms were established; mathematical relations for predicting the properties and behavior of vesicular phospholipid nanostructures under the influence of thermal treatment regimes were obtained. The kinetic characteristics of the heat transfer process while drying of complex disperse systems with lipid nanostructures were determined; the use of the spray drying method in order to obtain the dry form of functional materials with lipid nanostructures was justified.
The use of lipid nanostructures, the obtained by pulse of energy input was proposed and approved in agriculture for targeted delivery of active substances into the cell seeds and growing plants, thereby reducing the concentration of the drugs, while improving plant productivity.