Laboratory of thermophysical problems of bioenergy
From the 1950s and 1960s, scientific work in the department and its laboratories for many years was associated with basic research on the development of the theory of the working process of thermal protection systems for gas turbines, as well as the use of heat engines in systems of combined heat and power production. The founders of these studies were Professor P.D. Shvetsov, Academicians of the NAS of Ukraine I.T. Shvets and E.P. Dyban. The studies were conducted comprehensively that is issues related to the design, development and introduction of cooling systems relative to objects of new technology in aviation, shipbuilding, gas transport system and energy sector were investigated and solved.
In the 2000s, the main area of research was the technology of energy obtaining from biomass (combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, anaerobic fermentation, production and use of landfill gas, production of liquid fuels).
Chronological sequence of changes in the laboratory/department:
- in 2021, the Department of Thermophysical Problems of Heat Supply Systems (TPST) is headed by Doctor of science Georgii Geletukha.
- in 2018, a laboratory of thermophysical problems of bioenergy was established under the leadership of Ph.D. Geletukha Georgii, a member of the Department of Thermophysical Problems of Heat Supply Systems (TPST), which is headed by Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine Klymenko Viktor.
- 2003 – 2018 – Department of Thermophysical Problems of Bioenergy. Head of the department – Ph.D. Geletukha G.G.
- 1964 – 2003 – Department of Thermal Conductivity, which in 1964-1996 was headed by Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – E.P. Dyban, and in 1996-2003 Corresponding Member. NAS of Ukraine V.M. Klimenko. The bioenergy laboratory worked in 2000 – 2003 in the department of thermal conductivity under the leadership of Ph.D. Geletukha G.G.
- 1951 – 1964 – Laboratory of Thermophysics of High Temperature Machines started work in the field of thermal protection of gas turbines under the guidance of Professor P.D. Shvetsov.
03057, Kyiv, street M. Kapnist, 2nd
Tel.: (+380 44) 332 9140; 453 2856; 456 9462
Fax: (+380 44) 453 2856; 456 9462
The main directions of scientific activities
Laboratory works in the field of energy utilization of biomass (wood, straw, manure, biogas, landfill gas) in the following directions:
- investigation of combustion technologies of different biomass types in boilers
- investigation of methane formation processes in anaerobic biodigesters
- investigation of bioenergy resources potential of Ukraine.
- investigation of technology of fast ablative pyrolysis of biomass
- comprehensive assessment of energy use of biomass (life cycle analysis);
- investigation of biogas generation processes in the body of solid waste landfills and technologies for its collection and energy use.
Main projects
Project №: “Scientific and technical principles of reduction and substitution of natural gas consumption in district heating systems of Ukraine” began in 2023. The following works were performed in 2012-2022: Departmental themes: In 2020 – 2021, within the framework of the international European innovative scientific and technical program “EUREKA” the project “The use of pre-purified biogas as a fuel to supply the engines of agriculture vehicles and machinery (E! 13358 BIOGASDRIVE)” was implemented under the contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Supervisor – Senior Researcher, Ph.D. Kucheruk P.P. Project №: “Improvement of energy production technologies from biomass of agricultural origin and natural gas for heating systems of Ukraine” began in 2020. The following works were performed in 2014-2019: Departmental themes: Target programs of applied researches of the NAS of Ukraine: Three projects were carried out and implemented within the framework Targeted Comprehensive Program for Research of NAS of Ukraine “Biological resources and the latest technology of bioenergy conversion” from 2013 to 2017: Project #24 “Production, moving, collection and utilization of biogas in the body of municipal solid waste landfill” Targeted Comprehensive Program for Research of NAS of Ukraine “Biological resources and the latest technology of bioenergy conversion” (state registration №0113U004572). Supervisor – Deputy director for scientific work of IET, Doctor of Engineering, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine Basok B.I., responsible executive – Senior Researcher, Ph.D. Matveev Yu.B. Project #25 “The development of technology and the pilot plant for the production of liquid fuel by fast pyrolysis of biomass” Targeted Comprehensive Program for Research of NAS of Ukraine “Biological resources and the latest technology of bioenergy conversion” (state registration №0113U002901). Supervisor – Head of TPB department, Ph.D. Geletukha G.G. Project #26 “Research and development of technology for the production of biogas from a waste of sugar industry” Targeted Comprehensive Program for Research of NAS of Ukraine “Biological resources and the latest technology of bioenergy conversion” (state registration №0113U002900). Supervisor – Senior Researcher, Ph.D. Matveev Yu.B. In 2018 – 2019, work was carried out on the project, which together with the TOET department was carried out within the target research program of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Biofuel Resources and Bioenergy”. Project №14 “Development of technologies and equipment for combustion of biofuels of agricultural origin” (№ state registration 0118U006246). Scientific adviser – head. Department of TOET, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member. NAS of Ukraine Basok B.I., responsible executors – researcher Oliynyk E.M., researcher Zubenko V.I., junior researcher Antonenko V.O. Other projects: In 2014 and 2015, employees of the department were involved in working with the TOET department on contracts that were implemented within the scientific project of the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine “Evaluation of long-term energy development strategies and economic policy to optimize Ukraine’s energy balance.” Responsible executors – senior researcher A.I. Bashtovy, senior researcher Zhelezna T.A. In 2018: International contract with «RSJ Investments investiční společnost a.s.» (Czech Republic) № 3003/2018 for the implementation of works under the project “Choice of the region of Ukraine for investment opportunities in the bioenergy project”. Scientific adviser – head of TPB laboratory Ph.D. Geletukha G.G. Some projects were carried out under agreements on cooperation with educational institutions: An agreement on scientific cooperation was signed with the Scientific and Innovative Institute of Agricultural Production and Energy Efficiency of Zhytomyr National Agroecological University in 2018. Also, employees of the department participated as experts in the implementation of scientific work in the following international projects: In the period 2015-2018, employees of the department (Geletukha G.G., Zhelezna T.A., Zubenko V.I., Epik O.V., Kramar V.G., Oliynyk E.M., Gaidai O.I., Antonenko V.O.) as individual experts participated in the USAID project “Municipal Energy Reform in Ukraine”. The project was aimed at supporting the improvement of the legal framework for the implementation of the necessary reforms in the municipal energy sector, as well as to increase the capacity to develop and implement strategies of low-carbon development. In the period 2016-2018, employees of the department (Geletukha G.G., Epik O.V., Kramar V.G., Antoshchuk T.O., Oliynyk E.M., Zubenko V.I., Antonenko V.O., Radchenko S.V., Dragnev S.V., Kucheruk P.P., Matveev Y.B., Kutsiy D.V., Bashtovy A.I.) as individual experts participated in the UNDP project “Development and Commercialization of bioenergy technologies in the municipal sector in Ukraine”. Project was implemented with the support of the Global Environment Facility. The project was aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by significantly increasing the use of biomass energy as a source of fuel for heat and hot water supply in the municipal sector in Ukraine. In 2016-2017, the staff of TPB laboratory of TPST department Zhelezna T.A. and Dragnev S.V. participated in the project “Assessment of biomass potential in the Odessa oblast” with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). In 2018, the “TNA” project was implemented. The team from Ukraine included the following employees of the department: Matveev Yu.B., Geletukha G.G., Kucheruk P.P., Dragnev S.V. Executive partner of the project: GEF through the Danish Technology Institute (UNEP DTU Partnership) Employees of the department actively cooperate with colleagues from abroad during participation in international conferences abroad, as well as in preparation for the international conference “Energy from Biomass”, which annually gathers more than 200 participants, and from 20 to 40 of them are representatives of the EU, USA and other countries. The professional composition of the participants traditionally includes representatives of political circles and public authorities, consulting and commercial companies, industrial enterprises, agricultural holdings, professional associations, research and educational institutions, and public organizations.
More than 50 consultations were provided and took part in more than 30 discussions, meetings, round tables, etc.
(participation in the development of the Laws of Ukraine)
- Law of Ukraine № 514-VIII of 04.06.2015, “On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine concerning ensuring competitive conditions for electricity production from alternative energy sources”.
- Law of Ukraine № 1959-VIII of 21.03.2017 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Heat Supply” to stimulate the production of thermal energy from alternative energy sources.”
- Law of Ukraine № 2712-VIII of 25.04.2019 “On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine concerning ensuring competitive conditions for electricity production from alternative energy sources”.
- Draft Law of Ukraine №7348 of 29.11.2017 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of ukraine on the development of liquid biomass fuel production and implementation of sustainability criteria for liquid fuel from biomass and biogas intended for use in transport sector”.
- National Action Plan on Renewable Energy for the period up to 2020, approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 902-r of October 1, 2014.
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 293 of July 9, 2014 “Promotion of stimulation of natural gas reduction in heat supply sector”.
- Order of the Cabinet of Ministers № 791-r of 3.09.2014 “On approval of the action plan for the implementation of Directive of the European Parliament and Council 2009/28/EU”.
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 453 of 10.09.2014 “On stimulating of natural gas substitution in the of thermal energy production for institutions and organizations financed from the state and local budgets”.
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №679 of September 6, 2017 “On approval of the Procedure for calculating average tariffs for thermal energy produced using natural gas for the needs of the population, institutions and organizations financed from the state or local budget, its transportation and supply.”
- Proposals and calculations on the required amount of incentives for energy crops growing.
- Law of Ukraine № 1820-IXof 21.10.2021, “On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding the development of biomethane production”.
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For the first time in the world a pilot experimental pyrolysis screw type unit was developed, built and researched. The regime parameters under which it is possible to obtain the maximum yield of bio-oil, which amounted to 51% by weight of raw materials. Necessary temperature conditions and intensity of biomass heating are substantiated, physicochemical properties of bio-oil and by-products (pyrogas, coal residue) are investigated. Recommendations for the introduction of the technology in Ukraine have been developed. (Patent for invention № 116598).
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An analysis of energy and environmental efficiency of heat and electricity production technologies from such types of solid biomass as wood chips and pellets, straw bales and pellets, as well as technological chains of growing and using biomass of energy crops such as willow and miscanthus for the production of heat and electricity for the conditions of Ukraine have been conducted for the first time in the world. The analysis was performed using the life cycle assessment methodology (ISO 14040: 2013) and taking into account the requirements of sustainability. The results of the analysis substantiated the feasibility of building biomass boilers and CHPs in Ukraine and showed that modern efficient technologies for energy production from biomass fully meet the requirements of sustainable development according to EU Directive 28/2009. (Articles in Scopus).
Calculation and methodological model for determining energy efficiency taking into account the criteria of sustainability has been developed: | Calculation and methodological model for estimating the potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions has been developed |
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Life cycle of thermal energy production from baled straw
For the first time in the world, a comprehensive methodology for experimental research of dumps and landfills has been developed, which allows to obtain representative data for modeling on their basis the formation of biogas in the body of the landfill for the conditions of Ukraine. Using the results of field research conducted according to the developed method, the thermophysical model of the processes of formation, filtration and collection of biogas was improved by taking into account the secondary subsidence of waste. (Article in Scopus)
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For the first time in Ukraine a series of experimental studies on the efficiency of periodic anaerobic digestion of sugar production by-products (pulp, molasses) itself and in mixtures with crop residues, resulting in the biogas yield potential, the dependence of biogas yield on the initial concentration of organic matter in reactors and the method of their pre-treatment, the kinetic constants of the biogas yield rate are determined.
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Modelling of CSTR bioreactor based on the results of periodic anaerobic digestion
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For the first time in Ukraine, the design of an experimental retort-type burner with a capacity of 50 kW was developed for the combustion of by-products of corn cultivation with a particle size of up to 25 mm and a moisture content of up to 35% by weight. Studies were performed with samples of corn stalks and granules from corn stalks and it was determined that the melting temperature of fuel ash from corn of Ukrainian origin is much higher (170-210 ºС) than the average values for agricultural biomass and close to the values typical for wood.
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The potential of biomethane production in Ukraine (9.7 billion m3/year) was estimated. The optimal locations of biomethane plants have been determined. They were marked on the interactive Google map. The available potential of raw materials for the biomethane production and the possibility of biomethane supplying to gas networks were accepted. A preliminary feasibility study of biomethane production in Ukraine was developed. The economic feasibility of biomethane production under the existing conditions was confirmed. Recommendations for the biomethane registry formation were developed. These recommendations were taken into account by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in Resolution № 823 of July 22, 2022 “On approval of the Procedure for the operation of the biomethane register”.
Project Title: “Development and research of a retort burner for biomass burning in small and medium scale boilers (100-1000 kW)“ Period: 2010 – 2012 Funding: The target program of applied research of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Biomass as a fuel (“Biofuels”)” Project manager: Ph.D. Mykola Zhovmir The purpose of the project was to study the combustion processes and to develop a retort type burner for burning of chipped biomass in existing small and medium-scale boilers (100-1000 kW). Experimental sample of retort burner having capacity 80 kW on fuel input is designed and manufactured. The burner device and auxiliary equipment are installed at the experimental bench. The burner is brought to an operating condition; conditions for its sustainable operation are identified. The burner provides release of volatiles and their ignition in the space of the burner with the formation of a burning flame in the combustion space of the boiler. Biomass combustion in the 80 kW experimental burner device was studied, achieved pollutant emission rates met the requirements of normative documents on air protection for boilers up to 1000 kW, biomass combustion intensity corresponds to indicators specific for gas and coal fired boilers. Project Title: “Development of Ablative Biomass Pyrolysis to Produce Bio-oil” Period: 2011 – 2013 Funding: STCU project/GIPP program Project manager: Ph.D., head of department Georgii Geletukha The project P401 “Development of ablative biomass pyrolysis to produce bio-oil” (PNNL-T2-0302-UA) as the part of the STCU project under the GIPP program was carried out during 2011-2013 by the ІET of NASU. The project confirmed the principle possibility of biomass conversion into liquid biofuels by fast pyrolysis in the ablative screw reactor. Reached yield of bio-oil was 49% by weight from initial wood. High heat value of bio-oil is 12.816 MJ/kg. Revealed need for further modernization and improvement of the fast ablative pyrolysis technology was to increase the efficiency of biomass conversion into liquid fuels, to improve the reliability of the installation and to study the bio-oil Designing and experimental study of low-temperature pyrolysis of biomass in an ablative screw reactor is the goal of present work. Ablative pyrolysis in comparison with other types of fast pyrolysis has two additional features: biomass particles move at high speed relatively to the heated surface of a reactor (> 1 m/s) and high pressure applied to the particles (> 0.5 MPa), which leads to significant ablation rate (> 1 mm/s). The major difference of fast pyrolysis compared with traditional (slow) pyrolysis is a very high heating rate of raw material particles and fast cooling of intermediate products. Fast pyrolysis is used to maximize the amount of gas or liquid, depending on the process temperature. Low-temperature fast pyrolysis (450 … 600 ? C) makes it possible to maximize the yield of liquid product. Gas is the main product of process at higher temperatures (650 … 900 ? C). The goal of the project is to identify the reactor design features and its operational parameters for the technology of biomass conversion into biofuel (bio-oil) with an expected calorific value 20-25 MJ/kg. Bio-oil can be used in boilers and engines, while the bio-oil price can be competitive in comparison with oil products. Project Title: “The research and development of technological schemes for the collection and energy utilization of biogas at MSW landfills” Period: 2010 – 2012 Funding: The target program of applied research of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Biomass as a fuel (“Biofuels”)” Responsible executive: Ph.D. Yuri Matveev The objects of this study are technological schemes of landfill gas collection and utilization, and also technological operating conditions and main parameters of landfill gas collection well and utilization systems. The purpose of the work is developing of the technological schemes of landfill gas collection The main results of the work are: (a) technological schemes of landfill gas collection and utilization are analyzed and developed; (b) computation model of the landfill gas collection for single well and group of wells is developed and updated; (d) calculation of landfill gas collection rates by the single well and group of wells are executed; (e) methodology and test unit for experimental measurement of landfill gas collection system during operation are developed; (f) experimental measurements of the operation conditions and the main parameters of the limited landfill gas collection systems during operation are fulfilled; (g) methodology for experimental investigation of landfill gas collection conditions by the single well of industrial collection system under different collection rate is developed; (h) experimental investigation of pressure and concentration distribution surrounding single well of industrial collection system under different collection rate are accomplished; (i) critical analysis and verification of obtained results are conducted; (j) landfill gas collection and utilization system is developed and designed according to the physical conditions of one municipal solid waste landfill of Ukraine; (k) methodology of hydraulic calculation of landfill gas pipelines is developed; (l) optimal landfill gas flow and parameters of pipelines are determined; (m) hydraulic calculation of pipelines and main components of designed landfill gas collection system with the use of optimal gas flows are performed; (n) recommendation for improvement and design of effective landfill gas collection and utilization system are developed. According to the results of the work a methodology and test unit for experimental investigation of landfill gas parameters and landfill gas collection system characteristics were implemented at the MSW landfill of Novokuznetsk city, Russia. “Investigation and optimization of technology for co-digestion of manure from animal waste with plant co-substrates” Period: 2010 – 2012 Funding: The target program of applied research of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Biomass as a fuel (“Biofuels”)” Project manager: Ph.D. Yuri Matveev The technology of anaerobic co-digestion of manure waste and maize silage is one of the most perspective in the implementation of biogas technology in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The aim of the project was to conduct experimental studies on the effectiveness of co-digestion of animal waste and maize silage and determination of technical regulations of continuous bioreactors based on the experimental data. The knowledge about the effectiveness of anaerobic co-digestion of manure waste and maize silage can reasonably accept technological regulations of anaerobic bioreactors continuous type and execute engineering calculations of structures and facilities. Project Title: “Estimation of technical, energy, economical and ecological efficiency of biomass using on Ukrainian thermal power plants, heat and power plants, cogeneration plants” Period: 2010 – 2012 Funding: Targeted comprehensive program of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Scientific, technical and economic problems of providing joint work of the United Energy Systems of Ukraine with the unification of energy systems of European countries” (“Union “) Responsible contractor of the project: Ph.D., head of department Georgii Geletukha In the framework of the project the existing technologies of biomass using on thermal power plants, heat and power plants, cogeneration plants were analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages some of technologies, economic indicators for their introduction were identified. The most suitable technical decisions for biomass and biogas using on thermal power plants, heat and power plants, cogeneration plants were developed. Existing logistic schemes and technical support of wood and agricultural supplies of biomass for energy needs of TPPs, CHPPs, and cogeneration plants on biogas were analyzed. On example of selected research objects a feasibility study of biomass logistics, as well as thermal and electricity power generation from biomass in conditions of Ukraine were performed. A comparative feasibility study of bioenergy projects and conclusions on their advantages, limitations, technical solutions, and investment attractiveness were carried-out. The environmental indicators of energy equipment and necessary technical measures, which are provided for regulatory environmental requirements ensuring, were determined. The analysis of advisability of the Joint Implementation projects under the Kyoto Protocol for the electricity production from biomass in Ukraine was done. The specific environmental, financial and economic indicators were received. The conception of biomass energy use for power generation in Ukraine to 2030 was proposed based on international experience and Ukrainian bioenergy potential. Methodical recommendations were developed for the identification approaches of promising projects of biomass using on TPPs, CHPPs and cogeneration plants.The park of boilers in heating boiler-houses of Ukraine which are planned to reconstruction for local fuels usage was considered. Tendencies in development of technology and equipment for fuels burning in retort furnaces were analyzed. The design-theoretical researches in pyrolytical changes of solid biofuel and burning of volatile substances are executed. The basic design parameters of experimental retort burner were calculated.
combustion technology in the pilot boiler with the goal of further bio-oil co-combustion with coal in thermal power plants in Ukraine.
and utilization and designing of the typical landfill gas collection and utilization system at one of the municipal solid waste landfill of Ukraine.
Project Title:The main results of the project are:
Main publications
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Articles in scientific periodicals that are included in the scientometric databases Scopus and/or Web of Science Core Collection
- [ Scopus ] Oleksii Epik, Vitalii Zubenko Usage of biomass CHP for balancing of power grid in Ukraine, E3S Web of Conferences 112, 02005 (2019)
- [ Scopus ] Viacheslav Antonenko, Sofiia Levinska Biomass consumption in residential sector of Ukraine in 2007–2016, E3S Web of Conferences 112, 02005 (2019)
- PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE USE OF UNDERUTILISED LANDS FOR BIOENERGY PRODUCTION THROUGH A WEB-BASED PLATFORM FOR EUROPE Main Authors: Khawaja, R. Janssen, D. Rutz, Co-authors: G. Bonati, M. Budniok, M. Buiting, A. Calera, Ö. Ceylan, D. Cifuentes, M. Colangeli, S. Fabiani, G. Geletukha, P. Gyuris, M. Hirschmug, N. Ion, D. Knoche, R. Köhler, S. Kuusisto, M. Morese, G.Pulighe, M. Schardt, R. Schlepphorst, A. Soininen, C. Tantareanu, L. Traverso, O. Tryboi, A. Uderszky, 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 27-30 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, p. 1921 – 1924, DOI: 10.5071/27thEUBCE2019-ICO.12.3, ISBN: 978-88-89407-19-6, The Conference proceedings indexed in Scopus
- Innovative Lignocellulosic cropping systems in Europe: combining knowledge from several EU-projects Germer S., Alexopoulou E., Concha I.V., Grundmann P., van Haren R., Janssen R., Khawaja C., Kiourtsis F., Monti A., Sailer K., Tryboi O., Wagner M., Zegada-Lizarazu W. 27th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 27-30 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, p. 84-89, DOI: 10.5071/27thEUBCE2019-1BO.5.4, ISBN: 978-88-89407-19-6, The Conference proceedings indexed in Scopus
- Zubenko V.I., Epik O.V., Antonenko V.O. Development and optimization of fast ablative pyrolysis technology in Ukraine.// Energetika. 2018, 64. No.1 P. 1-10.
- Tryboi O. V. Efficient biomass value chains for heat production from energy crops in Ukraine //ENERGETIKA. – 2018, 64. No. 2. P. 84–92.
- FOSTERING SUSTAINABLE FEEDSTOCK PRODUCTION FOR ADVANCED BIOFUELS ON UNDERUTILISED LAND IN EUROPE Rita Mergner, Rainer Janssen,Dominik Rutz, Peter Gyuris, Ömer Ceylan, Marco Colangeli, Lorenzo Traverso, Mariella Mule, Guido Bonati, Giuseppe Pulighe, Valeriia Kovach, Olha Haidai, Georgiy Geletukha, Nicoleta Ion, Cristian Tantareanu, Raul Köhler, Dirk Knoche, Magdalena Rogulska, Anna Grzybek, Jurgen Tack, Marie-Alice Budniok, JJ Leahy // Proceedings of 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 125-130 The Conference proceedings indexed in Scopus
- Setting Up and Running Sustainable Supply of Woody Biomass from Agrarian Pruning and Plantation Removal. Scope and European Initiative García-Galindo, D., Rezeau, A., Samper, A., Karampinis, E., Grammelis, P., Simatou, G., Monteleone, M., Volpe, F., Zheliezna, T., Kravchenko, A., Calaim, L.F., Poutrin, C., Radic, T., Font de Mora, E., 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2016, p. 1760 – 1765, DOI: 5071/24thEUBCE2016-ICV.1.68, ISBN: 978-88-89407-165 , The Conference proceedings indexed in Scopus
Articles in scientific publications that are included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine
- G.G. Geletukha, T.A. Zheliezna, A.I. Bashtovyi ПРОБЛЕМИ ТА ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ РОЗВИТКУ КОГЕНЕРАЦІЇ В УКРАЇНІ. Теплофізика та Теплоенергетика: Том 41 № 1 (2019), с. 59-66.
- G. Geletukha, T.A. Zheliezna, S.V. Drahniev, A.I. Bashtovyi ТЕХНІКО-ЕКОНОМІЧНЕ ОБҐРУНТУВАННЯ ВИРОБНИЦТВА І СПОЖИВАННЯ ПАЛИВНИХ БРИКЕТІВ З АГРОБІОМАСИ В УКРАЇНІ. Теплофізика та Теплоенергетика: Том 41 № 1 (2019), с. 82-87.
- G. Geletukha, T.A. Zheliezna, S.V. Drahniev, A.I. Bashtovyi АНАЛІЗ МОЖЛИВОСТЕЙ ВИРОБНИЦТВА І СПОЖИВАННЯ ПАЛИВНИХ БРИКЕТІВ З БІОМАСИ СІЛЬСЬКОГОСПОДАРСЬКОГО ПОХОДЖЕННЯ В УКРАЇНІ. ЧАСТИНА 2. Теплофізика та Теплоенергетика: Том 41 № 1 (2019), с. 67-73.
- G. Geletukha, V.G. Kramar, Y.M. Oliynyk, V.O. Antonenko АНАЛІЗ МОЖЛИВОСТЕЙ ЗБЕРЕЖЕННЯ І РОЗВИТКУ ЦЕНТРАЛІЗОВАНОГО ТЕПЛОПОСТАЧАННЯ В УКРАЇНІ. Теплофізика та Теплоенергетика: Том 41 № 1 (2019), с. 53-58.
- A. Zheliezna, S.V. Drahniev, A.I. Bashtovyi МОЖЛИВОСТІ ЗАГОТІВЛІ АГРОБІОМАСИ ТА ВИРОБНИЦТВА БІОПАЛИВ З НЕЇ КОМУНАЛЬНИМИ ПІДПРИЄМСТВАМИ В УКРАЇНІ. Теплофізика та Теплоенергетика: Том 41 № 2 (2019), с. 88-96.
- G. Geletukha, T.A. Zheliezna, A.I. Bashtovyi ПРОБЛЕМИ ТА ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ ДОВГОСТРОКОВОГО ПЛАНУВАННЯ У СЕКТОРІ ТЕПЛОПОСТАЧАННЯ УКРАЇНИ. Теплофізика та Теплоенергетика: Том 41 № 2 (2019), с. 72-77.
- G. Geletukha, T.A. Zheliezna, S.V. Drahniev, A.I. Bashtovyi АНАЛІЗ БАР’ЄРІВ ДЛЯ ВИРОБНИЦТВА ЕНЕРГІЇ З АГРОБІОМАСИ В УКРАЇНІ. ЧАСТИНА 1, Теплофізика та Теплоенергетика: Том 41 № 3 (2019), с. 77-84.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Драгнєв С.В., Баштовий А.І. Аналіз бар’єрів для виробництва енергії з агробіомаси в Україні. Частина 2 // Теплофізика та теплоенергетика. – 2019, т. 41, № 4, с. 44-50
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Драгнєв С.В., Баштовий А.І. Аналіз можливостей заготівлі деревного палива в лісах України // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 1, с. 61-67.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Драгнєв С.В., Баштовий А.І. Перспективи використання біомаси від обрізки та видалення багаторічних сільськогосподарських насаджень для виробництва енергії в Україні // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 1, с. 68-74.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Баштовий А.І., Гелетуха Г.І. Проблеми та перспективи розвитку біоенергетики в Україні // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 2, с. 41-48.
- Трибой О.В. Оцінка життєвого циклу виробництва теплової енергії з тріски біомаси Salix Viminalis L. в Україні // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 2, с. 56-64
- Клименко В.Н. Перспективы применения когенерационных технологий в коммунальной энергетике // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 3, с. 32-37.
- Желєзна Т.А., Баштовий А.І. Аналіз основних тенденцій розвитку біоенергетики в Європейському Союзі // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 3, с. 70-75.
- Зубенко В.І., Епік О.В., Антоненко В.О., Олійник Є.М. Енергетичні та економічні показники технології швидкого піролізу в абляційному реакторі шнекового типу // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 3, с. 76-84.
- Антоненко В.О., Зубенко В.І., Епік О.В. Паливні характеристики стебел кукурудзи українського походження // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 3, с. 85-90.
- Крамар В.Г. Побудова графіка тривалості теплового навантаження (графіка Росандера) для регіонів України. // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 4, с. 41-49.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Драгнєв С.В., Баштовий А.І. Аналіз можливостей виробництва і споживання паливних брикетів з біомаси сільськогосподарського походження в Україні. Частина 1 // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 4, с. 62-68.
- Радченко С.В. Аналіз використання палива домогосподарствами та непромисловими споживачами// Промислова теплотехніка. – 2018, т. 40, № 4, с. 75-82.
- Трибой О.В. Оцінка життєвого циклу виробництва теплової енергії з тріски біомаси Miscanthus x giganteus в Україні // Біоенергетика. – 2018, № 2 (12), с. 22-27
- П. Кучерук, Ю. Матвеев, В. Рудська Експериментальне дослідження показників виходу біогазу в процесі періодичного метанового бродіння соломи. Відновлювальна енергетика. – 2018. – т. 52, №2. – С. 88-97.
- Як система електронної торгівлі біопаливом забезпечить якість біопалива в Україні/ Г. Г. Гелетуха, Є. М. Олійник // Біоенергетика. – 2018. – № 2. – С. 17-18. – Режим доступу:
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Баштовий А.І. Енергетичний та екологічний аналіз технологій виробництва електроенергії з твердої біомаси. Частина 1 // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2017, т. 39, № 1, с. 58-64
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А. Стан та перспективи розвитку біоенергетики в Україні // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2017, т. 39, № 2, с. 60-64.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Баштовий А.І. Енергетичний та екологічний аналіз технологій виробництва електроенергії з твердої біомаси. Частина 2 // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2017, т. 39, № 3, с. 73-77.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Баштовий А.І. Створення конкурентного ринку біопалив в Україні. Частина 1 // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2017, т. 39, № 3, с. 85-90.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Баштовий А.І. Створення конкурентного ринку біопалив в Україні. Частина 2 // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2017, т. 39, № 4, с. 76-80.
- О.Г. Домбровський, С.Д. Савчук, Г.Г. Гелетуха Альтернативне тепло для наших осель // Біоенергетика. – 2017, №1 (9), с 5-6
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Баштовий А.І., Гелетуха Г.І. Огляд кращих практик організації роботи ринку біопалив у країнах ЄС // Промислова теплотехніка. – 2017, т. 39, № 5, с. 108-112.
Scientific publications (monographs, collections of scientific papers, etc.)
- Експериментальне дослідження процесу метанового бродіння: Монографія / П.П. Кучерук, Ю.Б. Матвєєв, С.А. Шворов, В.Є. Лукін ̶ К.: ЦП «КОМПРИНТ», ̶ 242 с. ISBN 978-966-929-374-9,
- Енергоефективність та енергозбереження: економічний, техніко-технологічний та екологічний аспекти [колективна монографія] Кол. авторів; за заг. ред. П. М. Макаренка, О. В. Калініченка, В. І. Аранчій. – /Полтавська державна аграрна академія, Опольський университет (Польща)/ . – Полтава: ПП “Астрая”, 2019. 603 с. ISBN 978-617-7669-24-0
Драгнєв С.В., Желєзна Т.А., Баштовий А.І. Використання побічної продукції, відходів і залишків сільського господарства для виробництва твердих біопалив, с. 358-367.
Желєзна Т.А., Крамар В.Г., Трибой О.В. Вирощування енергетичних культур для виробництва твердих біопалив та теплової енергії. Енергетичний, екологічний та економічний аспекти, с. 368 – 375
Гелетуха Г.Г., Олійник Є.М., Зубенко В.І. Роль біомаси для досягнення глобальних та національних цілей зі зниження викидів парникових газів, с. 457-462
Гелетуха Г.Г., Антоненко В.О., Радченко С.В. Забезпечення екологічних вимог при виробництві енергії з біомаси, с 463-468
Гелетуха Г.Г., Олійник Є.М., Зубенко В.І. Енергетичні властивості біомаси та економічна ефективність виробництва теплової енергії, с 469-474 посилання для скачування
- Landfill operational guidelines. 3rd Edition. A Report from ISWA’s working group on landfill – 2019, 53 р. (Yuri Matveev is an author of Chapter 14: Landfill Gas Management).
- Modeling and Optimization of Biomass Supply Chains. Edited by Calliope Panoutsou. Elsevier, London, 2017, 292 p. eBook ISBN: 9780128123041, Paperback ISBN:9780128123034 (Tetiana Zheliezna is a co-author of Chapters 1 and 7). (1-24 ) Chapter 1. Biomass Supply Assessments in Europe: Research Context and Methodologies Calliope Panoutsou, Ausilio Bauen, Berien Elbersen, Matthias G. Dees, Dejan Stojadinovic, Branko Glavonjic, Tetiana Zheliezna, Ludger Wenzelides and Hans Langeveld; (169-192 p.) Chapter 7. Assessing Potentials for Agricultural Residues Calliope Panoutsou, Christoforos Perakis, Berien Elbersen, Tetiana Zheliezna and Igor Staritsky
- Клименко В.Н., Мазур А.И., Письменный Е.Н., Багрий П.И., Гелетуха Г.Г. Когенерационные системы с тепловими двигателями: Справочное пособие в 3-х частях. Часть 3: Инновационные технологии для когенерации. – К.: ИПЦ АЛКОН НАН Украины, 2016.–528 с.: ил. 292, табл. 124 ISBN 978-966-8449-28-4
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Драгнєв С.В. Ефективність застосування поточних організаційних заходів виконавчої влади з енергоефективності, енергозбереження та зменшення споживання природного газу / Тематичний збірник матеріалів «Організаційно-економічні механізми модернізації теплоенергетики України» за заг. ред. чл.-кор. НАНУ Б.І. Баска. К: «Калита», 2015, стор. 179-187.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Драгнєв С.В. Аналіз бар’єрів для виробництва енергії з агробіомаси в Україні, Аналітична записка БАУ №21, 05.04.2019, 41с.
- Матвєєв Ю.Б., Гелетуха Г.Г. Перспективи енергетичної утилізації твердих побутових відходів в Україні, Аналітична записка БАУ №22, 22.04.2019, 48 с.
- Олійник Є.М. Лісогосподарська діяльність в Україні. Аналітичне дослідження, жовтень 2019, 38 с.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Пастух А.В., Драгнєв С.В. Можливості заготівлі деревного палива в лісах України, Аналітична записка БАУ №19, 31.01.2018, 29 с.
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А., Драгнєв С.В Аналіз можливостей виробництва та використання брикетів з агробіомаси в Україні, Аналітична записка БАУ №20, 18.05.2018, 48 с.
- Навчально-методичний посібник по проведенню тренінгу-семінару з використання біомаси як палива в муніципальному секторі України (для представників державних установ та громадських організацій, що працюють у сфері екології) // опубліковано 11.01.2018 (Георгій Гелетуха, Юрій Матвєєв, Євген Олійник, Денис Куций)
- Навчально-методичний посібник для проведення тренінгу-семінару з використання біомаси в якості палива у муніципальному секторі України (для представників агропромислового комплексу)// опубліковано 11.01.2018 (Георгій Гелетуха, Семен Драгнєв, Петро Кучерук, Юрій Матвєєв)
- Навчально-методичний посібник по проведенню тренінгу-семінару з використання біомаси в якості палива в муніципальному секторі України (для представників державних та комунальних установ) // опубліковано 11.01.2018 (Антоненко В’ячеслав, Зубенко Віталій, Олійник Євген, Радченко Світлана).
- Гелетуха Г.Г., Желєзна Т.А 18 Аналітична записка «Створення конкурентного ринку біопалив в Україні», 2017, 42 с.
- Практичний посібник з використання біомаси у муніципальному секторі України (для представників агропромислового комплексу) Георгій Гелетуха, Семен Драгнєв, Петро Кучерук, Юрій Матвєєв // Програма розвитку Організації Об’єднаних Націй. – К.: 2017, 70 с.
- Практичний посібник з використання біомаси у муніципальному секторі України (для представників державних установ та громадських організацій, що працюють в сфері екології) Георгій Гелетуха, Юрій Матвєєв, Євген Олійник, Денис Куций // Програма розвитку Організації Об’єднаних Націй. – К.: 2017, 54 с.
- Практичний посібник з використання біомаси у муніципальному секторі України (для представників державних та комунальних установ) Антоненко В’ячеслав, Зубенко Віталій, Олійник Євген, Радченко Світлана // Програма розвитку Організації Об’єднаних Націй. – К.: 2017, 62 с.
- Підготовка та впровадження проектів заміщення природного газу біомасою при виробництві теплової енергії в Україні Олійник Є.М., Антоненко В.О., Чаплигін С.М., Зубенко В.І. // Практичний посібник за ред. Г. Гелетухи. – К.: «Поліграф плюс», 2016, 104 с
- Комплексний аналіз українського ринку пелет з біомаси Георгій Гелетуха, Володимир Крамар, Олексій Епік, Тарас Антощук, Василь Тітков // Програма розвитку Організації Об’єднаних Націй. – К.: 2016, 334 с.
- Проведення комплексного дослідження ринку котлів, що працюють на біомасі в Україні Георгій Гелетуха, Євген Олійник, В’ячеслав Антоненко, Сергій Чаплигін, Віталій Зубенко, Світлана Радченко // Програма розвитку Організації Об’єднаних Націй. – К.: 2016, 212 с.
- Практичний посібник «Підготовка та впровадження проектів заміщення природного газу біомасою при виробництві теплової енергії в Україні» Олійник Євген, Антоненко Вячеслав, Чаплигін Сергій, Зубенко Віталій, Желєзна Тетяна, Гайдай Ольга, Крамар Володимир, Епік Олексій // Практичний посібник за ред. Г.Гелетухи. – К.: «Поліграф плюс», 2015, 72 с, ISBN 978-966-8977-55-8
Abstracts and proceedings of international conferences which were held abroad
- Tetiana Zheliezna. Mobilization of wood from agrarian pruning and plantation removal: results from 20 pioneering initiatives supported in Italy, Greece, Spain and Ukraine, 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 27-30.05.2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
- O. Antonenko Biomass Substitution Potential in District Heating of Ukraine // Proceedings of International Conference “World Sustainable Energy Days-2018”, 27 February-2 March 2018, Linz-Wels, Austria.
- Alex Epik Vitalii Zubenko Forecast of heating sector transition to biomass-based generation till 2050 in Ukraine // Proceedings of International Conference “World Sustainable Energy Days-2018”, 27 February-2 March 2018, Linz-Wels, Austria.
- Oleksandra Tryboi Efficient value chains for heat production from energy crops grown in Ukraine // International conference “World Sustainable Energy Days-2018, 27 February-2 March 2018, Linz-Wels, Austria.
- Zubenko V.I., Epik A.V. Modeling of heating sector development with transition to biomass-based generation scenario till 2050 in Ukraine // Proceedings of the 7th International conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development, 31 May – 2 June, 2018, Romania. ISSN 2457 – 3302, p. 27-33
- Radchenko, V. Zubenko, T. Antoshchuk, A. Bashtovyi. Analysis of prospects of fuel peat consumption in Ukraine // Proceedings of the 6th International conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development, June 8-10, Moieciu de Sus, Romania (ISSN 2457-3302, ISSN-L 2457-3302). P. 133-138. (Proceedings are indexed in INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL (BDI) and it is pending for indexing in EBSCO Publishing Databases (BDI).
- Antoshchuk T.O., Zubenko V.I. The Results of industrial exploitation of Periodic Downdraft type Gasifier in Ukraine // Article of Proceedings of the International Conference on Challenges in Sustainable Development from Energy and Environment Perspective (CSDEEP-2017), 24-25 March 2017, Gorakhpur (UP), India (book), ISBN: 978-93-86256-68-3, pp. 73 – 78
- O. Antonenko Fuel Properties and Fertilization Cost of Ukrainian Corn Stover. Proceedings of CYSENI 2017, May 25-26, Kaunas, Lithuania. ISSN 1822-7554
- Zubenko V.I., Epik O. V. Obtaining of bio-oil from biomass through fast pyrolysis in the ablative screw reactor // Proceedings of the International conference on The World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED), Wels, Austria, 1 – 3 March 2017
- Oleksandra Tryboi Analysis of Criteria for the Sustainable Development of Bioenergy // Proceedings of the International conference on The World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED), Wels, Austria, 1 – 3 March 2017
- O. Antonenko Latest Biomass Boilers Market Trends in Ukraine // Proceedings of the International conference on The World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED), Wels, Austria, 1 – 3 March 2017
- MATVEEV, D. KUTSYI. STATUS OF LANDFILL GAS RECOVERY AT MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILLS IN UKRAINE // Proceedings of the 16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Italy, 2-6 October 2017.
- Olexandra Tryboi. Presentation of three scenarios of possible development of the energy sector of Ukraine up until 2050. Sustainable Energy News | No. 81, November 2017.
- Bashtovyi A.I., Zubenko V.I., Antoshchuk T.O. Investigation of biomass fast pyrolysis in the ablative screw reactor // Proceedings of the 5th International conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development, (ISSN 2457-3302, ISSN-L 2457-3302), 2016, P. 21-26. (Proceedings are indexed in INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL (BDI) and it is pending for indexing in EBSCO Publishing Databases (BDI).
- I. Bashtovyi, V.O. Antonenko Meeting the environmental requirements of biomass-fired equipment in Ukraine. // Proceedings of the 5th International conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development, (ISSN 2457-3302, ISSN-L 2457-3302), 2016, P. 17-20. (Proceedings are indexed in INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL (BDI) and it is pending for indexing in EBSCO Publishing Databases (BDI).
- V. Epik. ANALYSIS OF STRAW PELLETS PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY CHAIN: BARRIERS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR UKRAINE // Proceedings of the 5th International conference on Thermal Equipment, Renewable Energy and Rural Development, (ISSN 2457-3302, ISSN-L 2457-3302), 2016, P. 51-56. (Proceedings are indexed in INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL (BDI) and it is pending for indexing in EBSCO Publishing Databases (BDI).
- Olha Haidai Complex analysis of solid biomass combustion for thermal energy production in Ukraine // Proceedings of International Conference “World Sustainable Energy Days-2016”, 24-26 February 2016, Wels, Austria
- Alex Epik Current state and perspectives of bioenergy development in Ukraine // Proceedings of International Conference “World Sustainable Energy Days-2016”, 24-26 February 2016, Wels, Austria
- Tetiana Zheliezna. Results of the biomass potential assessment in Ukraine. Danube-INCO.NET and S2Biom workshop: “Biomass for growth: potentials and challenges of bioenergy in the Danube Region” during the Energy Networking4Innovation, as an accompanying event to the “SET Plan 2016 – Central European Energy Conference X”. 29-30 November 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Other publications
- Георгій Гелетуха, Петро Кучерук, Тетяна Желєзна. Біоенергетичні проекти // Наше птахівництво. – № 3, 2019, с. 19-20.
- Георгій Гелетуха, Петро Кучерук, Тетяна Желєзна. Біоенергетичні проекти у птахівництві: успішні приклади // Журнал головного енергетика. – № 6 (18), 2019, с. 38-41.
- Георгій Гелетуха, Тетяна Желєзна. Потенціал аграрної біомаси для енергетики: варіанти проектів для підприємств // Журнал головного енергетика. – № 7 (19), 2019, с. 47-53.
- Георгій Гелетуха Унікальний податок на “зелені” котельні // Економічна правда, 7 червня 2019 р.
- Георгій Гелетуха Котельні на біомасі потрібно звільнити від податку на викиди вуглецю // Aua, 15 червня 2019 р.
- Георгій Гелетуха Біогазові установки в Україні будують переважно на дешевій сировині // Aua, 7 листопада 2019 р.
- Олександр Домбровський, Георгій Гелетуха Пільги для “зеленої енергетики”: міфи і реалії в Україні // Економічна правда, 18 листопада 2019 р.
- Георгій Гелетуха Чи вирішують проблеми ЖКГ “граничні тарифи” на теплову енергію? // Економічна правда, 10 липня 2019 р.
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- Гелетуха Г.Г. Количество биогазовых проектов после 2020 г. может уменьшиться.
- Гелетуха Г.Г. Биогаз. Уверенные шаги к энергонезависимости в МХП.
- Гелетуха Г.Г. Выращивание енергокультур позволит Украине замещать миллиарда кубометров газа.
- Кучерук П.П., Гелетуха Г.Г. Що йде “в топку”: основні джерела біогазу та чому їх обирають