International Cooperation

International cooperation in the department is carried out on the following problems: “Heat exchange and hydrodynamics in the fields of mass forces” and “Heat exchange and hydrodynamics in the flow part of cooled gas turbines”.

On this issue, direct connections are maintained with the USA (firms “Optimized Turbine Solutions”, San Diego; “General Electric”, “Niskaiana”, “Culerado”, M-Cycle Industries (Denver); with the University of Minnesota, the Air Force Academy USA, Great Britain (Cardiff University).

Joint work was carried out on international projects with scientists of the People’s Republic of China:

– from “Zhejiang Golden Egg Science and Technology Co., Ltd.” (China, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou) on the development of an installation for determining the mass transfer characteristics of a hydrophilic material in a dynamic adiabatic system and an indirect evaporative heat mass transfer apparatus.

– with the Zhejiang Pedagogical University (Jinhua, People’s Republic of China) on the study of modern methods of film cooling of gas turbine blades

– with the Nanyang Institute of Future Energy Systems of the Institute of Technical Thermophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing) and the Representation of “PT-Americas, LLS” (Kyiv).

In the laboratory of simulation of heat and mass transfer processes in energy and heat technology facilities, work is carried out within the framework of International grant No. 310436 (under the 7th framework program of the European Commission) “Production of Coatings for Materials of New Efficient and Environmentally Clean Coal Power Plants” (“Production of Coatings for New Efficient and Clean Coal Power Plant Materials”). Together with the company PLEJADES GmbH – Independent Experts (Germany), a scientific project was prepared for the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program.

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine A.A. Khalatov is a member of the Heat Exchange Committee of the International Institute of Gas Turbines of the American Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IGTI ASME, USA), the Scientific Committee of the International Center for Heat and Mass Exchange (Turkey).
