On scientific and scientific-organizational activities Chief Research Scientist of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Academic Council for the Defense of the Degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; born in 1959, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Inventor of the Year of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Laureate of the V.I. Tolubinsky Prize, author of 347 scientific papers, including: 17 monographs, 57 patents, 17 technical specifications and 6 technical instructions

Zh.O. Petrova is a well-known scientist in the field of industrial heat and power engineering. Her scientific works are devoted to the development of thermophysical bases for processing biomass, peat and silt deposits into composite fuels and organic fertilizers, theories of interrelated heat and mass transfer processes, in the processes of dehydration of colloidal-capillary porous materials, phase transformations and deformation during sorption and desorption of materials, creation of new and improvement of existing energy and resource-saving heat technologies and industrial heat power equipment for fuel production and processing of agricultural raw materials into functional products. The fundamental and applied results obtained by Zh.O. Petrova cover the following areas: creation of modern energy-saving equipment and heat technologies for biofuels and fertilizers based on peat, new types of dry plant powders and instant products. For the first time, an innovative resource-saving technology for the integrated processing of peat into composite fuels and humic fertilizers was developed, the maximum yield of which is 9.7 times higher than the existing ones and can be integrated into existing production or created as a separate one. It has been implemented at peat enterprises in Rivne region. As part of the agreement on the transfer of production technologies for peat processing into fuel and fertilizer, a license for the Ukrainian patent No. 117651 was sold to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. An innovative thermal technology for processing silt deposits into composite pellets was developed. The thermal technology was transferred to the Kyiv City State Administration. A convective chamber dryer with combined heating of the heat carrier with an efficiency of 70% was developed. An energy-efficient dryer using a heat pump for drying grain and other crops with a germination rate of 100% and heat consumption less than the standard by 40%. Based on the newly created energy-efficient thermal technologies for processing plant materials, instant foods were developed and manufactured, which were transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the received acts of proceedings. In 2005, Zh. Petrova defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 05.18.12, in 2007 she received a diploma of a senior researcher, and in 2013 she defended her doctoral thesis in the specialty 05.14.06. She received an award at the International Competition of Innovative Applied Technologies for her innovative project: “Innovative heat technologies for the production of functional products”, Weihai, China, 2018. In addition to her scientific activities, Petrova performs public work. Member of the specialized academic council for the defense of the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Technical Sciences at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (2017-2021); member of the editorial board of the journals “Ceramics: Science and Life” and ‘Sofia Prima: Dialogue of Eternal Return’; member of the section ‘Technological Renewal and Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex’. In 2023, under the supervision of Zh. Petrova, 3 Doctors of Philosophy were trained in the specialty 144-heat and power engineering. She also has 3 postgraduate students.
